free conference calling

I do not believe that I have ever posted about before. Talkee is a website that has local access numbers all over the country for chatlines. These chatlines offer you the ability to talk to total strangers, or meet up with a bunch of your friends, and talk together. Most of them seem to be a place for perverts to hang around and try to solicit for sex, kind of like how most internet chat rooms are (not pointing any fingers, or judging any of you).

What has recently come to my attention however, is that the people who brought you the Magic Jack are offering a free conference service. The MJ service, seems to be free from the issues that might plague other chatline services like Talkee. The MJ service is only promoted on there website with a small link at the bottom of there main page, which links to a different domain This service seems to be geared more towards personal conferences, or professional conferences. I only just called in to see what the menu options are like, and have yet to conference with anyone on there yet. It mentions that you are using the Magic Jack conference upon calling into it, but the service seems professional enough to be able to use for a business conference calling service. The best news about it, the service is NOT limited to MJ customers, so you do not need to be calling from a MJ line, you do not even need to own a MJ device to use the service. So give it a shot, to dial in call 305-848-8888 to start a new room dial 2 then the 3 digit room, to join a room dial 1 then the 3 digit room number...

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